Core Values

Do your daily behaviors align with what is important to you? These are called core values. The first step to answering this question is to identify your core values. What are the things that come to mind first? They may be things like health, family, integrity, gratitude, money, and trust.

As you prepare for your quit, you will have opportunities to take a look at your tobacco use and bring it in line with your core values.

1Choose one core value from the list below or use your own. Make sure the value is personally important to you and represents the way you want to live your life.

  • Empathy
  • Energy
  • Faithfulness
  • Family
  • Fulfillment
  • Health
  • Integrity
  • Relationships
  • Respect
  • Success
  • Trust/Reliance
  • Other

What does this value mean to you? How would you define it? For example, if you chose energy as your core value, you might define it as “Being able to play with my kids without getting tired.”

2Next, think about whether your tobacco use is incompatible with the core value you identified.

For example, if you identified ‘family’ or ‘health’ as a core value, smoking or chewing tobacco would be incompatible because of the potential harm to your health and family.

3Repeat this exercise for up to five core values.

Print or write out your core values and put them where you will see them every day, like on your smartphone, refrigerator or bathroom mirror.